Welcome to AAMHO.org!
Arizona Association of Manufactured, RV and Park Model Home Owners.
Click here to Join AAMHO or Renew your Membership
There are over 300,000 Manufactured/Mobile, RV and Park Model home owners in the state of Arizona.
The the greater our numbers, the greater power
and influence our Lobbyist carries with her
when she visits the AZ Capitol to tell Lawmakers
how they can make our lives better.
For under $3/month, you will gain access to a wealth of knowledge and support from the longest standing Mobile Home Owner advocacy group in the state of Arizona,
and the only organization that employs a Lobbyist.
Save the Date!
AAMHO Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 15th
ViewPoint RV & Golf Resort
On University Drive,
just off the 202 in Mesa.
Registration begins soon!
AAMHO Mission Statement:
Our mission shall be to protect, preserve and improve the welfare, rights, and benefits of its members, and to educate and enlighten the public to these purposes.
Our voices as one
can create change!